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所属科目: 动物界 » 脊索动物门 » 爬行纲 » 有鳞目 » 正蜥科 »

学名:Takydromus yunkaiensis
(1) body size moderate, SVL 37.8–56.0 mm in males, 42.6–60.8 mm in females; (2) dorsal ground color brown; ventral surface green to yellow-green, but light blue-green on ventral head and neck, posteriorly green in adult males; (3) dorsolateral lines paired, strikingly yellowish-white bordered by black above and below, invisible or indistinct i n juveniles and adult females; (4) flanks of body blackish brown with light brown marks in adult males; (5) the presence of four pairs of chin-shields; (6) four supraoculars on each side; (7) presence of a row of supracilary granules that separate supracilaries from supraoculars; (8) two postnasals; (9) enlarged dorsal scales with strong keel in six longitudinal rows on trunk of body; (10) enlarged ventral scales in six longi-tudinal rows, strongly keeled in males, smooth but outermost rows weakly keeled in fe-males; (11) enlarged and keeled lateral scales in a row above ventrals; (12) femoral pores 2–3 on each side; (13) subdigital lamellae 20–23 under the fourth finger, 23–30 under the fourth toe; and (14) the first 2–3 subdigital lamellae under the fourth toe divided.